Friday, September 28, 2012


Oh goodness. I just posted on Sunday with an update on my reading plan, and it's not even a week later, and I've got another seven books of the Bible under my belt. Since Sunday, I have read Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai. It's been a crazy week, but definitely worth it. And to think, that between now and the new year, I will be completely done? That's insane! I'm so excited though. I'm glad to be in the Word every day, and will definitely keep the habit up even after this reading plan is over. That's what's great about the Bible. No matter how many times you read it, you always learn something new. My next reading plan will be less chapters per day so that I can put more time into each word I read and really get into what it says and how it applies to my life. Two more books and I'm into the New Testament! (I'm a little excited, in case you can't tell, haha). Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I'm going to be working on homework (unfortunately) but I might be doing a currently post on Sunday because some neat things are happening in my life right now :)

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