A couple of instagram photos from this weekend. Balloon Fiesta started here in ABQ, which is super exciting, but not quite as exciting as discovering my absolute favorite ice cream of all time on sale at Target. This stuff just needs to be available year round. I don't think that's too much to ask for.
Loving: My life and leadership small group. We meet every other Sunday and I genuinely look forward to going and being with the other people in the group. It's so refreshing to be with a group of like-minded individuals and talk about what God has been teaching us and how to apply that to being leaders among our peers. We're learning about our spiritual gifts and how to effectively use them to further God's kingdom. Being a member of this group is such a blessing to me.
Watching: All of my fall TV shows, of course, but lately I've been using the Netflix queue of 30 Rock to take mini study breaks. It's entertaining, and definitely gives my brain a much needed rest.
Making me happy: My new job! I just found out last week that Popejoy, the theater on campus that has various events (the Lion King is here right now) has hired me for the Front of House Floor Manager position that I interviewed for a few weeks ago. I love theater, and so am excited to be working at one. I'm really looking forward to starting, especially since the application/interview process has taken so long.
Looking forward to: Fall Break! I have Thursday and Friday of this week off, and I couldn't be more excited. This is the second weekend in a row that I've done nothing but homework. My family is coming sometime Wednesday night, and will be here til Sunday. We're going to Balloon Fiesta on one day and taking a day trip to Santa Fe for another. It's definitely going to be a good couple of days.
Listening to: Don't laugh, but I've been playing "As Long as You Love Me" by Justin Bieber non-stop for the past couple of weeks days. I'm not his biggest fan, but I definitely love this song...Another song that I'm not ashamed to admit that I love is "Give Your Heart a Break" by Demi Lovato. I love her and her music and this song is just awesome.
Eating: As pictured above, the greatest ice cream ever made is back in stores for the season. I'm going to be eating a lot of this stuff over the next few months because I know that after Christmas this stuff is going away again, so I have to get my fill now before it's too late.
Working on: Midterms. I have four of them this week. Not looking forward to them at all.
Reading: Anne of Ingleside. I adore the Anne of Green Gables books, and I've always said that, if marrying a literary character was possible, Gilbert Blythe would be my man of choice. These books are just good for the soul, I feel, and classics that will always be a part of my collection.
(As always, thanks to Dani at Sometimes Sweet for the inspiration for these posts.)
No shame in being a BELIEBER. FINALLYYYYY!!!