Wednesday, February 2, 2011

*Deep Breath*

Above all else, Jesus loves you and that will never change.
It has been such a busy week, and today is only Wednesday. I've barely been home and my cold is rearing its ugly head again. I have this huge poetry project that I've been working on, but that is over tomorrow, thank goodness. Swim season has officially begun and that goes for two hours every night. We had the last two mondays off, and this week is normal. I've got all my days mixed up now. And yet, with everything going on, this week has been pretty good. February is looking better than January. I think there were other things that I was going to post about, but I've completely lost my train of thought and my brain is overloaded with poetry crap, (I'm not fond of poetry at all), so I'll leave you in peace. Have a good rest of the week, just in case I'm unable to post before then.

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