Saturday, April 23, 2011

Well Hello There


Happy Easter Weekend everyone! Sorry about my lack of posting recently. I've been super busy. End of the year stuff is coming up fast. The swim season is winding down, but I also finally got that job I interviewed for, so now I have work and practice and homework and sleep goes somewhere in there, I'm sure. Just typing about this stuff makes me tired. This has been a good weekend so far. Yesterday, I participated in the 30 Hour Famine with my National Honor Society. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, and I had fun last night with my fellow fasters. Last night I went to the Good Friday service at my church. It was a great time to worship and reflect on Jesus' sacrifice for me. Today, I met my friend at Denny's at 6:15 to break the fast. We made ourselves sick, but it was good. After that, I went to my school to take a practice Spanish AP test, which was also not as hard as I thought it would be. Tonight I have church with my family and tomorrow, I'm volunteering at church and then heading to my grand-parents' house for Easter celebrations. Should be fun. I hope you all have an amazing, blessed Easter! Jesus is alive!

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