What a crazy year it's been! This year I...
-completed two semesters of college
-had a summer job
-found two jobs to have during the school year
-read the entire Bible cover to cover (I'm not going to be blogging the last couple of books, I slacked off a bit on the blogging of it, but I did finish, I promise)
-had a relationship that lasted about four months and then had a weird, awkward break up
-and left my teenage years behind and entered my twenties.
All in all, not a bad year, really. A lot more happened, of course, but I won't bore you with the details. 2012 treated me well, and I'm very much looking forward to what 2013 has in store for me. I think 2013 is going to be the year I finally get a tattoo, haha. Happy New Year everyone!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
44, 45, 46/66
Yesterday, I finished 1 Corinthians, which brings my total to 46, with Acts and Romans having been finished a couple of weeks ago. Acts is, as the name suggests, a little bit about the acts of the apostles and how the church grew and thrived after the ascension of Christ. Romans is a letter to the church in Rome from the apostle Paul. It is a wonderful book to read and study, and will probably be coming back to it in the New Year to study it further. 1 Corinthians is another letter from Paul, this time to the church in Corinth. This letter is a letter of correction. Paul addresses some of the practices of the Corinthian church that are not Biblical, and he gives reasons from Old Testament scripture and the words of Christ to validate the correction that he is giving. In the next month, I will be finishing the rest of the Bible, which is crazy to think. It's definitely crunch time though. I have 28 days to read 20 books. Definitely going to be difficult, but well worth it.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Reading through the Gospels is always such a blessing. It was also very convicting this time around. The Gospels are very familiar territory for me, and so I had to make sure that I didn't just skim through stories I had heard before and read before and really take my time to see what God had to show me this time through. Most of my time in the Gospels is spent studying the birth of Christ, the parables He told during His ministry, and, of course, His crucifixion. These things are always enlightening and great places to learn and grow, but I was especially struck by the life of Christ during His time on Earth. He pursued His Father's will and often took time to be by Himself to pray. This struck me because my prayer life has been lacking lately. Prayer isn't about long, elaborate sentiments; it's honest communication with God about your thoughts, feelings, fears, triumphs, failures, about your life. God promises rest and peace to those who seek it. I am constantly trying to be as self-reliant as possible. I need to learn to take a step back and let go of the tight control I think I have over my life and turn to God when I need help.
"Come to me, all you who are wearied and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Sunday, October 7, 2012
A couple of instagram photos from this weekend. Balloon Fiesta started here in ABQ, which is super exciting, but not quite as exciting as discovering my absolute favorite ice cream of all time on sale at Target. This stuff just needs to be available year round. I don't think that's too much to ask for.
Loving: My life and leadership small group. We meet every other Sunday and I genuinely look forward to going and being with the other people in the group. It's so refreshing to be with a group of like-minded individuals and talk about what God has been teaching us and how to apply that to being leaders among our peers. We're learning about our spiritual gifts and how to effectively use them to further God's kingdom. Being a member of this group is such a blessing to me.
Watching: All of my fall TV shows, of course, but lately I've been using the Netflix queue of 30 Rock to take mini study breaks. It's entertaining, and definitely gives my brain a much needed rest.
Making me happy: My new job! I just found out last week that Popejoy, the theater on campus that has various events (the Lion King is here right now) has hired me for the Front of House Floor Manager position that I interviewed for a few weeks ago. I love theater, and so am excited to be working at one. I'm really looking forward to starting, especially since the application/interview process has taken so long.
Looking forward to: Fall Break! I have Thursday and Friday of this week off, and I couldn't be more excited. This is the second weekend in a row that I've done nothing but homework. My family is coming sometime Wednesday night, and will be here til Sunday. We're going to Balloon Fiesta on one day and taking a day trip to Santa Fe for another. It's definitely going to be a good couple of days.
Listening to: Don't laugh, but I've been playing "As Long as You Love Me" by Justin Bieber non-stop for the past couple of weeks days. I'm not his biggest fan, but I definitely love this song...Another song that I'm not ashamed to admit that I love is "Give Your Heart a Break" by Demi Lovato. I love her and her music and this song is just awesome.
Eating: As pictured above, the greatest ice cream ever made is back in stores for the season. I'm going to be eating a lot of this stuff over the next few months because I know that after Christmas this stuff is going away again, so I have to get my fill now before it's too late.
Working on: Midterms. I have four of them this week. Not looking forward to them at all.
Reading: Anne of Ingleside. I adore the Anne of Green Gables books, and I've always said that, if marrying a literary character was possible, Gilbert Blythe would be my man of choice. These books are just good for the soul, I feel, and classics that will always be a part of my collection.
(As always, thanks to Dani at Sometimes Sweet for the inspiration for these posts.)
This post is definitely a week late, and for that I apologize. I have completed the Old Testament though! Zechariah and Malachi are the last two books of the Old Testament. Between the prophets and the birth of Christ, there is a 400 year gap where God does not speak to Israel. God used the prophets to warn Israel of what was to come. One thing that I've gotten from these books is this: God did not call prophets to offer an ultimatum, that the people must 'turn or burn' so to speak. God called the prophets to call the people to change their ways and return to Him. God stepped in to discipline His people, yes, but the goal of that was not to destroy them, but to bring them back to Him. The prophets were God's voice to His people. God used them to turn the people's hearts back to God. God looks at the heart. Who we are is much more important than what we do. Because when our hearts are in the right place, what we do externally will match that. And now, being a week into Matthew and reading of Jesus' ministry, this point is made again and again. Put your heart right and the rest will follow.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Oh goodness. I just posted on Sunday with an update on my reading plan, and it's not even a week later, and I've got another seven books of the Bible under my belt. Since Sunday, I have read Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai. It's been a crazy week, but definitely worth it. And to think, that between now and the new year, I will be completely done? That's insane! I'm so excited though. I'm glad to be in the Word every day, and will definitely keep the habit up even after this reading plan is over. That's what's great about the Bible. No matter how many times you read it, you always learn something new. My next reading plan will be less chapters per day so that I can put more time into each word I read and really get into what it says and how it applies to my life. Two more books and I'm into the New Testament! (I'm a little excited, in case you can't tell, haha). Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I'm going to be working on homework (unfortunately) but I might be doing a currently post on Sunday because some neat things are happening in my life right now :)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
28, 29, 30/66
Hosea, Joel, and Amos are all finished. The books of the minor prophets are much shorter, and so I get through them much faster. Tomorrow, I'll be reading all of Obadiah and Jonah. Each of these books are focused on one specific subject, rather than a whole myriad of things like the books of the major prophets. These books have been slightly refreshing to read, because they're over so quickly. These are another three books that I have not read before. AND!!! I'm almost finished with the Old Testament! In about another week or so, I'll be in the Gospels, which are very familiar territory for me. I'm looking forward to it.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Well, Ezekiel was a tough one to get through, but I finished. It was very long, and parts of it were confusing, but it was a good kind of confusing. I learned a lot, and this was another one of the books I've never read before. It was a good experience. I also finished Daniel yesterday. The first half of the book is full of stories I heard in my childhood: Daniel in the lions' den, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo in the fiery furnace. The second half of the book was all the visions God gave to Daniel concerning things to come. It was cool to read familiar stories and get to see some of the details. I'm loving this and am super excited to keep going through.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Loving: Lots of little things. The weather right now is perfect. It's overcast and drizzly and cool and beautiful. I love fall, and it feels so much closer now. I'm also loving e.l.f.'s eyeliner and shadow stick that I just bought from Target. I don't really play with make-up that much, but every now and then I buy a new product and, while they don't always work for me, this one is pretty great.
Watching: The Voice. It started on Monday, and I'm so glad it's back. The coaches are hysterical, and really, I just watch the show to see them rag on each other. The singing is pretty good too, or whatever, haha.
Thinking about: This really adorable jacket that's at Target right now. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it/if I can afford it. I really love it though, and I might be upset if I don't buy it...Oh decisions, decisions, decisions.
Anticipating: Fall. I can't wait to start wearing boots, and scarves and cute jackets and I just really love fall, okay?
Listening to: A lot of One Direction, Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato. My roommates love those particular artists, so it seems that they're always playing in the room. I'm not a huge fan of One Direction or J Biebs, but some of the music is just so catchy, so I'm not complaining. And I love Demi, so that part is enjoyable.
Eating: Whatever is left in my pantry. I'm just about out of food, but I can't afford to go grocery shopping just yet, so I'm getting creative with the few things I have left. Thank goodness I get paid soon.
Working on: Homework. I feel like I do it all the time. Between reading for history, writing for Spanish, and the random other assignments I get, I'm swamped. It's okay though, gotta get that education, ha.
Wishing: That I wasn't so tired all the time. I don't know what it is, but I am just exhausted. I'm sleeping enough, I think. Oh well. I'm used to being tired, I guess.
Watching: The Voice. It started on Monday, and I'm so glad it's back. The coaches are hysterical, and really, I just watch the show to see them rag on each other. The singing is pretty good too, or whatever, haha.
Thinking about: This really adorable jacket that's at Target right now. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it/if I can afford it. I really love it though, and I might be upset if I don't buy it...Oh decisions, decisions, decisions.
Anticipating: Fall. I can't wait to start wearing boots, and scarves and cute jackets and I just really love fall, okay?
Listening to: A lot of One Direction, Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato. My roommates love those particular artists, so it seems that they're always playing in the room. I'm not a huge fan of One Direction or J Biebs, but some of the music is just so catchy, so I'm not complaining. And I love Demi, so that part is enjoyable.
Eating: Whatever is left in my pantry. I'm just about out of food, but I can't afford to go grocery shopping just yet, so I'm getting creative with the few things I have left. Thank goodness I get paid soon.
Working on: Homework. I feel like I do it all the time. Between reading for history, writing for Spanish, and the random other assignments I get, I'm swamped. It's okay though, gotta get that education, ha.
Wishing: That I wasn't so tired all the time. I don't know what it is, but I am just exhausted. I'm sleeping enough, I think. Oh well. I'm used to being tired, I guess.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
So my roommate Sarah jumped on the 'Currently' bandwagon, which reminded me that I was going to try and blog more this semester, so here's a post to start off my week. And, I somehow always forget to give credit where credit is due for these posts. So, thanks to Danielle from Sometimes Sweet for the inspiration for these posts.
Loving: My living situation this year. It's one hundred times better than the dorms and my roommates are awesome. This is going to be a good year.
Watching: I just finished re-watching seasons one through six of How I Met Your Mother. I love that show, and I can't wait for season eight to premiere at the end of this month. I'm actually excited about a lot of fall premieres. The Voice and Glee both start next week, Survivor and The Office the week after that, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory the week after that, and Once Upon a Time at the very end of the month. I don't know how I'm going to find the time to follow all of these shows and keep up with school and work, but I'll find a way, haha.
Thinking about: Lots of different little things, nothing specific really. I have a lot to look forward to and a lot to focus on, so I'm practicing taking things one day at a time and not letting myself get overwhelmed by everything.
Anticipating: Starting my new job. I have been hired by Albuquerque Public Schools to be an AVID tutor. I'm very excited to have this job, and am looking forward to starting. I also am anticipating a phone call from another job I interviewed for. I think I got that job, but I won't know for sure until I get the phone call. Hopefully the news is good.
Listening to: The greatest Pandora station ever. It's the Wicked Soundtrack station, and it has music from Wicked and various other Broadway musicals, Glee and Disney movies. I have this stuff playing constantly. I'm kind of a nerd, but I'm okay with that.
Eating: A lot of sandwiches. I'm responsible for my own grocery shopping this semester, so I basically just buy bread, peanut butter and jelly. I also have some pretty decent frozen meals, as well as honey wheat pretzels. Those pretzels are delicious paired with peanut butter and jelly. Pretty much, I like peanut butter and try to eat it on as many things as possible.
Working on: Balance. I have a lot of work for each of my classes this semester, and now I'll be working one, possibly two jobs. I also need to start a budget to manage my money and be responsible. I of course want to have fun and be with people this semester, so I'm going to need to practice excellent time management skills. This will definitely be a busy semester, but I'm looking forward to it.
Wishing: That I lived closer to home. We had a three day weekend last weekend, and I would have loved to go home for it.
Loving: My living situation this year. It's one hundred times better than the dorms and my roommates are awesome. This is going to be a good year.
Watching: I just finished re-watching seasons one through six of How I Met Your Mother. I love that show, and I can't wait for season eight to premiere at the end of this month. I'm actually excited about a lot of fall premieres. The Voice and Glee both start next week, Survivor and The Office the week after that, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory the week after that, and Once Upon a Time at the very end of the month. I don't know how I'm going to find the time to follow all of these shows and keep up with school and work, but I'll find a way, haha.
Thinking about: Lots of different little things, nothing specific really. I have a lot to look forward to and a lot to focus on, so I'm practicing taking things one day at a time and not letting myself get overwhelmed by everything.
Anticipating: Starting my new job. I have been hired by Albuquerque Public Schools to be an AVID tutor. I'm very excited to have this job, and am looking forward to starting. I also am anticipating a phone call from another job I interviewed for. I think I got that job, but I won't know for sure until I get the phone call. Hopefully the news is good.
Listening to: The greatest Pandora station ever. It's the Wicked Soundtrack station, and it has music from Wicked and various other Broadway musicals, Glee and Disney movies. I have this stuff playing constantly. I'm kind of a nerd, but I'm okay with that.
Eating: A lot of sandwiches. I'm responsible for my own grocery shopping this semester, so I basically just buy bread, peanut butter and jelly. I also have some pretty decent frozen meals, as well as honey wheat pretzels. Those pretzels are delicious paired with peanut butter and jelly. Pretty much, I like peanut butter and try to eat it on as many things as possible.
Working on: Balance. I have a lot of work for each of my classes this semester, and now I'll be working one, possibly two jobs. I also need to start a budget to manage my money and be responsible. I of course want to have fun and be with people this semester, so I'm going to need to practice excellent time management skills. This will definitely be a busy semester, but I'm looking forward to it.
Wishing: That I lived closer to home. We had a three day weekend last weekend, and I would have loved to go home for it.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Lamentations was a short book, but very sad. The author is mourning the fate of Jerusalem after it fell to Babylon. His people are scattered and the city is in ruins. Yet in all this, he stops to remember that the Lord is faithful and will restore His people. God promised redemption to Israel and Judah, and that redemption will come in the form of His son, sent to die for our sins. I need to remember to praise God, no matter what season of life I'm going through.
Also, if you could be praying/sending good thoughts my way, I'd really appreciate it. I have a job interview today and tomorrow, and I'm really hoping to get one, if not both of these jobs. Thanks so much!
Also, if you could be praying/sending good thoughts my way, I'd really appreciate it. I have a job interview today and tomorrow, and I'm really hoping to get one, if not both of these jobs. Thanks so much!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Wow, its been a while. I've had a lot going on in my life recently, big transitions and the like, but I'm going to try and be more consistent with blogging this semester. I do have a lot more of the Bible to read, so I will continue to be documenting that, as well as more of my day to day life (I hope). Speaking of reading the Bible, I have finished both Isaiah and Jeremiah on schedule. These were tough books to get through, mainly because of their length. They were also on some difficult themes, especially Jeremiah. God's people have ceased being faithful to Him, and so he exiles them to Babylon. Jerusalem falls, as do kings. Jeremiah spent his time calling out to the people, asking them to repent, but his message fell on deaf ears. It was a good reminder for me because I am often guilty of the same thing in my life. If something God puts on my heart is not what I want to hear, my first instinct is to ignore it and do my own thing, which eventually gets me into trouble. Isaiah and Jeremiah challenged me to not only pay attention to what God is teaching me and telling me, but to follow through and actually act on those things. It's not an easy thing to do, but it's very rewarding.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
21-22/66...and Currently
Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs are both complete. Ecclesiastes can be pretty depressing for those who are new to their faith. It says that there is nothing new under the sun and everything is meaningless, but it also says that we should enjoy the life that God has given us. Song of Songs is a love letter, describing how a man should love his wife, but it is also referring to how Christ loves the church. I found both books to be very encouraging. 

I'm currently in San Diego for a family reunion, and these are some pictures from the weekend.
Watching: Nothing. I've watched hardly anything at all this summer, and it's kind of been a nice break. I did go see The Dark Knight Rises, which was absolutely fantastic. I think another trip to the movies is in order to witness the awesomeness all over again.
Anticipating: Staff banquet at the end of this coming week. I've been working hard this summer, and there are still two weeks of work to go, but our giant staff party is this Friday. I get to get all dressed up, and hang out with the awesome people that I've met this summer. It's going to be a great time.
Listening To: At this very moment, the conversations of 27 family members that are gathered for this reunion. My dad's side of the family is huge and crazy and one of a kind. I love them to death, but I'm ready to go back up to camp tomorrow.
Eating: Far too much. Camp food is getting tiring, and so I tend to pig out any time I can eat something other than that. Right now, I'm munching on one of my mom's awesome chocolate chip cookies.
Working On: Organizing my life from camp. I move back to Albuquerque on August 17, and camp is over August 10, so I have seven days to take care of business in California and prepare to move my life back to New Mexico
Wishing: That we lived in a perfect world where I could have my cake and eat it too. But we don't live in a perfect world, but I am loved by a perfect God. He's got my back, and I trust Him completely. Life is good because God is good.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Proverbs=complete. There's a lot of good advice, tips and tricks in this book. It's full of wisdom, but the understanding comes from God, and it depends on each individual and where they are in their walk with God. It was awesome.
So, camp is starting to wind down. There are three weeks left and then I go back to school. I love this job so much. It's been so rewarding. I'm going to miss it a lot.
So, camp is starting to wind down. There are three weeks left and then I go back to school. I love this job so much. It's been so rewarding. I'm going to miss it a lot.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Though the numbers say I'm far from being half-way done, length wise, I'm half way done! I finished the book of Psalms last week. The Psalms are beautiful and honest. They are a reflection of the human condition and reveal the nature of our great God. God is good, and I'm thankful to be reminded of it every day.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
I'm a few days behind posting, but I finished Job right on schedule. In this book I learned that God is God, and we are not. He is the ultimate authority, and we need to remember that when tragedy strikes. I also learned that it's okay to express frustration to God, that He listens when we talk to Him. That was a comforting lesson to learn.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
life lately via iPhone pictures
I went to Phoenix for a few days last week to attend a conference with my leadership group from my college youth group. It was a great couple of days and I learned a lot of valuable things to bring back to school for next semester. We had a lot of fun too.

For example, we walked around Ikea, one of my favorite stores,
hung out with the fish at the Rainforest Cafe,
and ate dinner at the T.G.I. Fridays inside the stadium where the Diamond Backs play.
When I got home, I went to my old high school to watch my friend graduate,
and then I had a sister date the next day. All in all, not a bad week. If this was any indication of how the rest of my summer will go, then I can't wait.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Unlike the last two books of the Bible, this is one I've read many, many times. I love the story if Esther. She is one of my Biblical heroes and I take something new away from her story every time I read it. This time through, I saw the significant role her cousin Mordecai played in the success and happy ending of this story. God has also placed people in my life who encourage and support me like Mordecai did Esther. I am truly thankful for the presence of those people in my life because I would have been in bad shape without them.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Nehemiah is another book of the Bible that I've not read before. In this book, the Israelites return to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall under the direction and guidance of Nehemiah. It was interesting to read about some of the things people struggled with back then because we still struggle with the same things now. That's why stories like these are in the Bible. We can read about the different problems people had and how they handled them. We can learn so much from these godly leaders. And I'm sure you've heard the saying that those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. It's definitely something to think about.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
14-15/66 and an update
I finished the book of Ezra today, and II Chronicles a few days ago. Ezra was pretty neat because the Israelites returned from their exile in Babylon. They got permission from the king to rebuild the temple. I've never read Ezra before, so I enjoyed it a lot. And I made it through II Chronicles too. There was a lot more detail about the kings of Judah and how they did or didn't serve God. There was a lesson in every story, although some were harder to see than others. That's something I have to remember constantly as I read through the Bible this year. Everything in there is in there for a reason, so everything is important, especially because it is the word of God.
So, other than being thoughtful, I've been doing other things as well. I drove home on Sunday and went straight to my friend's Baccalaureate ceremony. It's hard to believe that I was attending my own ceremony just one year ago. It's crazy how time passes. I also got to see my brother play the second round of CIF golf on Monday. He didn't play super well, but I was happy to have the chance to see him play. The rest of the week, I'll be hanging out, unpacking all my junk and getting ready to go to Phoenix on Sunday. Work doesn't start until June 7, so I still have plenty of time to just relax, which I'm really looking forward to. And, I'll definitely be playing with my new iPhone a lot too, haha.
So, other than being thoughtful, I've been doing other things as well. I drove home on Sunday and went straight to my friend's Baccalaureate ceremony. It's hard to believe that I was attending my own ceremony just one year ago. It's crazy how time passes. I also got to see my brother play the second round of CIF golf on Monday. He didn't play super well, but I was happy to have the chance to see him play. The rest of the week, I'll be hanging out, unpacking all my junk and getting ready to go to Phoenix on Sunday. Work doesn't start until June 7, so I still have plenty of time to just relax, which I'm really looking forward to. And, I'll definitely be playing with my new iPhone a lot too, haha.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The house I'm living in next semester is beautiful with tons of character. I'm super excited to call this home.
Reading: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I'm not very far, but I like it so far, which surprised me. It's a non-fiction novel about cancerous cells taken from a woman and grown in a lab and the controversy that surrounds the HeLa cells. The author does a great job of discussing all the science/medical terminology in a way that is accessible to people like me who aren't at home with that sort of thing. I'll let you know what I think when I finish the book.
Watching: At the moment, I'm flipping back and forth between HGTV and the Food Network. It's been nice to just chill out on a comfy couch and watch some of my favorite shows, like Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, and House Hunters.
Thinking about: I'm mentally organizing all the stuff I just moved out of my dorm. I need to sort through and decide what I'm leaving in Albuquerque for the summer and what I'm going to take home with me for the summer. I also should probably throw out some stuff and maybe set aside some clothes to donate. You don't realize how much stuff you really have until you have to box it all up and move it.
Anticipating: Summer. I am so excited for sunny days spent at the beach, relaxing by the pool, visiting with friends and enjoying life. I do have a job this summer, but I'll be working at a Christian camp in California, so I think it will be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it.
Listening to: The same old stuff, really. Nothing new or exciting on the music front.
Eating: Granola cereal, which is really good, but after watching Food Network all afternoon, it's just not all that appetizing. I really want to go out to a good restaurant for some fantastic food right now...
Working on: The play! We're less than a week away from our first show, and things are starting to get crazy. It's all coming together very nicely though and I am so proud of these kids. They really are putting their hearts into this show and it's very obvious that they all love to act. This internship has been so rewarding and I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to work with this class this semester.
Wishing: That my family was here. Mother's Day is tomorrow and my mom is two states away. I'm pretty homesick right about now, especially now that school is done for the summer. This week will be really busy and I'm thankful for that, since the busier I am, the faster time seems to go. I do need to find something to keep me occupied tomorrow, though, just so the day doesn't drag on. Another thing I'm wishing? That I had the guts to do something radical and crazy to my hair. Amber, who writes one of the blogs I read, just got a sweet new 'do, and I love it.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
So, I finished I Chronicles today. It was a little hard to get through because there were a lot of names and records and numbers, and the events were pretty much the same as I Kings, but from a different perspective. It was neat to see the different perspective though, and it gave some insight to what happened in I Kings. Another thing I finished this week? My second semester of my first year of college! I'm so happy to be done, and quite relieved as well. Spring semester is rough, but, by the grace of God, I managed. I move out of the dorms tomorrow, and I could not be more excited. Living in the dorms is an experience to be sure, and I'm glad I did it, but it's time to move on. This weekend, I'm just going to hang out and rest, since next week is going to be crazy busy with stuff for the play. And my mom is coming a week from tomorrow! I'm so stoked. I'm really close with my mom and I'm bummed that I won't see her for Mother's Day, but she'll be here in a week and I'll take her out for dinner or something. I can't wait, but for now, I have laundry to finish and packing to do.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
12/66, and a few other things
I finished II Kings on Sunday, and moved on to I Chronicles. The beginning of the book was good. Solomon asked for wisdom and built a beautiful temple for the Lord. But, his love of foreign women led him astray and, after he died, his kingdom fell apart. The nation of Israel split into two and neither kingdom had many godly rulers. At the end of the book, both nations have been taken into exile, and foreign nations are living in the land God promised them. Very sad, but also very important because this book shows the significance of having a godly leader. Being a good leader is hard, but it's even harder without God. Definitely something to think about.
I will probably be more quiet than usual here for the next two or so weeks. School is winding down, which means I'm stressed about finals, and this semester I have a play to worry about as well (our first show is two weeks from Friday!) Crazy life=quiet Meredith. But, it's May, the weather is beautiful and the end is in sight, so yay for that. Speaking of May, one of the blogs I follow, Saturated Canary (I have a button on the side) is having a fantastic giveaway! One lucky reader will win $100 to Modcloth. How sweet is that? All you need to do is follow her blog (which I would anyway because it's fantastic. It's one of my favorite reads). So, go here to enter the giveaway and have a fantastic rest of the week!
I will probably be more quiet than usual here for the next two or so weeks. School is winding down, which means I'm stressed about finals, and this semester I have a play to worry about as well (our first show is two weeks from Friday!) Crazy life=quiet Meredith. But, it's May, the weather is beautiful and the end is in sight, so yay for that. Speaking of May, one of the blogs I follow, Saturated Canary (I have a button on the side) is having a fantastic giveaway! One lucky reader will win $100 to Modcloth. How sweet is that? All you need to do is follow her blog (which I would anyway because it's fantastic. It's one of my favorite reads). So, go here to enter the giveaway and have a fantastic rest of the week!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Woooo! I am one sixth of the way finished with my read through the Bible in a year plan! I'm so glad that I decided to do this for 2012. The Bible is such an amazing book and has a great many life lessons to be learned. I'm learning so much from this journey and can't wait to continue to have God teach me through His word. The book I just finished is I Kings. David is no longer king of Israel and his son Solomon takes the throne. Solomon started out as a God-honoring king, but by the end of his life, he had been pulled away from worshiping the Lord. Solomon was the last king to rule over the entire twelve tribes of Israel. After that, Israel and Judah were separate kingdoms. There were a few God-fearing kings of Judah, but each king of Israel was worse than the last. In I Kings, we meet the prophet Elijah, who spoke out against these fallen kings and always put the Lord first. Because these kings pushed God out of their lives, they suffered and their thrones did not last. Lots of lessons to be learned from the events of I Kings.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Reading: Emily of New Moon. L. M. Montgomery, the genius behind Anne of Green Gables wrote this three book series about, you guessed it, a quirky orphan girl. That's about where the similarities end, however. It's a good, light read. Perfect for the quickly approaching and heavily dreaded finals. With this book, I can pick it up and put it down at will and it doesn't distract me, or require me to think about what it means. I'm really enjoying it so far.
Watching: The Voice. I didn't watch the first season, because I thought it was silly. I couldn't have been more wrong. It's so much better than American Idol, and the way that the coaches interact with each other is just hilarious. The people on this show are incredibly talented and I am so happy I started watching.
Working on: putting my schedule together for next semester. I've almost got it figured out, but registration is on Monday, so I need to get a move on. Hopefully next semester is my last semester of GE/core required classes.
Thinking about: how great it would be if my mom could come at the end of the semester. There are tentative plans for her to get a one way ticket to Albuquerque and then drive home to California with me, but nothing is decided just yet. There's a lot of moving pieces, so I have my fingers crossed that everything works out.
Anticipating: The Avengers movie premiere. I watched the trailer again a few minutes ago and I am so excited for this movie to come out! Superheroes are my favorite and I kinda love action movies, so this one should be fantastic enough to hold me over until The Dark Knight Rises comes out this summer.
Listening to: Lindsey Pavao's cover of Somebody That I Used to Know from the first live round of the Voice. I really like her and her voice is pretty awesome. She's got real talent and I'm so happy that *spoiler alert* Christina Aguilera chose to save her last night, although I loved Ashley as well, and was sad to see her go...
Eating: Nothing at the moment, but there are some really appetizing looking recipes that I repined on Pinterest that I'm dying to try my hand at. I'm not the greatest cook in the world, but I'm eager to learn. Maybe, with enough practice, I'll be good at it one day.
Wishing: that I was at home, sitting in the pool in my backyard, enjoying a cold drink and good company. We just got the pool last year, and now I no longer live at home to enjoy it. Sad, but I'll get over it. It will be there waiting for me at the end of this semester, which is so close, but seems very far away still!
Watching: The Voice. I didn't watch the first season, because I thought it was silly. I couldn't have been more wrong. It's so much better than American Idol, and the way that the coaches interact with each other is just hilarious. The people on this show are incredibly talented and I am so happy I started watching.
Working on: putting my schedule together for next semester. I've almost got it figured out, but registration is on Monday, so I need to get a move on. Hopefully next semester is my last semester of GE/core required classes.
Thinking about: how great it would be if my mom could come at the end of the semester. There are tentative plans for her to get a one way ticket to Albuquerque and then drive home to California with me, but nothing is decided just yet. There's a lot of moving pieces, so I have my fingers crossed that everything works out.
Anticipating: The Avengers movie premiere. I watched the trailer again a few minutes ago and I am so excited for this movie to come out! Superheroes are my favorite and I kinda love action movies, so this one should be fantastic enough to hold me over until The Dark Knight Rises comes out this summer.
Listening to: Lindsey Pavao's cover of Somebody That I Used to Know from the first live round of the Voice. I really like her and her voice is pretty awesome. She's got real talent and I'm so happy that *spoiler alert* Christina Aguilera chose to save her last night, although I loved Ashley as well, and was sad to see her go...
Eating: Nothing at the moment, but there are some really appetizing looking recipes that I repined on Pinterest that I'm dying to try my hand at. I'm not the greatest cook in the world, but I'm eager to learn. Maybe, with enough practice, I'll be good at it one day.
Wishing: that I was at home, sitting in the pool in my backyard, enjoying a cold drink and good company. We just got the pool last year, and now I no longer live at home to enjoy it. Sad, but I'll get over it. It will be there waiting for me at the end of this semester, which is so close, but seems very far away still!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
10 down, 56 to go. I finished 2 Samuel this morning, and I must say that the life of King David is very encouraging. His story shows God's forgiveness. David messed up and sinned. We all mess up and sin because we are imperfect human beings. But, David brought his sin before the Lord and asked for forgiveness and God gave it to him! More than once! Isn't that amazing? No matter how many times we screw up, if we admit that we were wrong and bring our wrongs before God, He is faithful to forgive us. I am so thankful that I serve a loving, generous God. If you have any questions about what I'm reading, or something I've said here, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email. I'm here and I'm happy to talk.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
And just like that, I have completed another book of the Bible. In I Samuel, Israel rejects the Lord as their king in an attempt to be like the other countries. This book shows the negative consequences that this has on Israel as a nation, especially when their king, Saul, does not obey the Lord in all he does. The result? God takes the kingdom away from Saul and has His prophet, Samuel, anoint another man, a man after His own heart. I Samuel introduces us to this man, David. In II Samuel, we'll see David as king over Israel, but we'll also see, like every human being before and after him, David is not perfect and makes a lot of mistakes, some of them pretty huge. The beauty of the story of David is how, each time he makes one of those mistakes, he goes back to God, seeking forgiveness. And because God is a loving, forgiving God, David is granted forgiveness. These Old Testament accounts show the nature of God and pave the way for the Good News to come in the New Testament-the coming of the Messiah and the wonderful, generous offer of freedom through Christ. God is SO good.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
![]() |
So, I was told that spring in Albuquerque could be unpredictable, but I was not expecting this. I wore shorts and a tank top on Sunday and now, two days later, I'm bundled up against the snow? Crazy stuff. It's kind of fun though, a little reminder of the weather we'll all be missing in a few months when the sun is too hot and the days too long. Plus, this weather gives me a great excuse to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea and just hang out all day. So, all in all, I'm not complaining. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Friday, March 30, 2012
I got a library card today! I nerded out in the library and found new books to read. Yay!
Thinking About: How much I missed out on in high school by not joining cross country. I went for a run today and did 3 miles in less than 40 minutes. Not a killer time by any means, but if I had joined the team in high school, I would have trained for races and gotten much better. Silly, stubborn me who thought running was horrible.
Anticipating: The weekend. I have Bible study tomorrow morning, and then I'm helping a friend with a fundraising dinner tomorrow night. I may not get to sleep in much this weekend, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to relax and just hang out. I'm also glad that I have concrete plans for the weekend as opposed to just sitting around my dorm doing nothing.
Listening to: Britt Nicole's new song, All This Time. I love this song and I love Britt Nicole. Listening to her makes me think of one of my good friends, and helps me feel less homesick.
Eating: A chicken salad with carrots and broccoli. I've been trying to eat better, but with on campus dining, eating better means eating pretty much nothing but salad and veggies...I'm not complaining though. It wasn't that hard to change what I ate and the grilled chicken that I get for my salads is delicious.
Wishing: That it was May! I'm so ready for this semester to be over. I just want to go home and relax by the pool and enjoy a few weeks off before work starts.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Back on schedule, I have finished Judges and Ruth. Ruth is one of my favorite Biblical stories. Judges has a lot of cool stories too. The cool thing about these stories is that they're true and there are lessons to be learned from each and every one of them.
Another good thing in my life right now? SPRING IS HERE! The weather is warm and I am loving it. Winter may be fun, and in a few months, I'll be wishing for it to be back, but as of right now, life is good. The problem that arises with the warm weather? I really want to go to the beach. I was just there a two (that's it? feels like a lot longer) weeks ago and I want to go back so much! Patience is a virtue, I'm told, so I guess I'll just have to continue to develop that little trait while I finish the spring semester. I'll also have to find some fun things to do in the meantime to help things move on a little faster. Are you looking forward to anything?
Another good thing in my life right now? SPRING IS HERE! The weather is warm and I am loving it. Winter may be fun, and in a few months, I'll be wishing for it to be back, but as of right now, life is good. The problem that arises with the warm weather? I really want to go to the beach. I was just there a two (that's it? feels like a lot longer) weeks ago and I want to go back so much! Patience is a virtue, I'm told, so I guess I'll just have to continue to develop that little trait while I finish the spring semester. I'll also have to find some fun things to do in the meantime to help things move on a little faster. Are you looking forward to anything?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I'm back from my California vacation. It was way too short, but it was a lot of fun. Our beach day was my absolute favorite, and I can't wait to go back. I even enjoyed myself at Disneyland, despite the huge crowds. I miss being at home, but I love living in Albuquerque. Tomorrow, I leave for a retreat with my youth group and then classes start on Monday. I have eight more weeks of classes and one week of finals and then my first year of college is done! I got a job for this summer, which is super awesome. I'll be working at a Christian camp in California, so I'll for sure be going home this summer, which I'm very happy about. And then, as the title suggests, I finished the book of Joshua today. I'm still a few days ahead of schedule, but I'm enjoying every step of this journey. So, yeah. That's my life right now. Things are going well and I'm very content with where I am right now. Life's good.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
I'm a little ahead of schedule, but I finished Deuteronomy! I'm so excited and proud of myself for staying accountable and keeping up with the reading. At this point, I feel like I have no excuses. I made it through the first five books even with a busy college schedule. I can and will finish. By January 1, 2013, I will have read through the entire Bible. I can't wait.
So, I get to home tomorrow (!) which is super exciting. It will be a long drive, but I'll have good company along the way. I also had a job interview via Skype this morning. It was for a position on staff at a summer camp back home. I think it went really well, so I'm hoping that I get the job, not just because I need a job, but also because I loved going to camp as a kid, so now that I'm older, I want to help make camp a good experience for the next generation. I know that this job would be so fulfilling in so many different ways.
So, I get to home tomorrow (!) which is super exciting. It will be a long drive, but I'll have good company along the way. I also had a job interview via Skype this morning. It was for a position on staff at a summer camp back home. I think it went really well, so I'm hoping that I get the job, not just because I need a job, but also because I loved going to camp as a kid, so now that I'm older, I want to help make camp a good experience for the next generation. I know that this job would be so fulfilling in so many different ways.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Joseph Kony
Invisible Children has released another video that calls for action against Joseph Kony and his LRA. Each video I have seen from them is incredibly emotional and pushes me to do something. Joseph Kony must be stopped, but don't let Invisible Children be your only source of information. Do some of your own research. For starters, read this post by Rylie over at Compelled and then read this article. But don't stop there. Being an active citizen is important, but I feel that being a well informed active citizen is much more important. Do your research and collect some facts. With that information, decide how you personally feel about the issue and then act accordingly. Don't let someone tell you what to think or how to feel. You have the freedom to read what I have written here and forget about it or decide that I am crazy and that's totally fine because you are an individual with your own thoughts and convictions, and that is a beautiful thing. With the technology we have today, we have the world at our fingertips. Don't waste that privilege.
Monday, March 5, 2012
*a picture of how I spent my afternoon*
Obsessing over: Pilates. I found an awesome website that has great videos. I'm totally getting my butt kicked, but in a good way.
Working on: Thankfully, not much. I took all of my midterms already, so I just have a Spanish quiz on Wednesday and an essay to write for the same class. This week is pretty chill and I am super thankful for that.
Thinking about: A little bit of everything. I've got a lot on my mind and too much time on my hands, so my thoughts just wander. It's not entirely unwelcome though. Sometimes I just need to let my thoughts run wild for a bit so that when I have something specific I have to think about, I can focus better because the excess stuff is easier to push away, you know?
Anticipating: Going home. Friday can't come soon enough.
Listening to: iTunes. I'm trying to put together a playlist for the drive on Friday, but I keep getting distracted by all of the music that I forgot I had.
Eating: Peanut butter and oreos, pretty much the best snack ever, although not the healthiest.
Wishing: That I had an iPhone. It's a superficial thing to be wishing for, but I really want one. Hopefully I can afford one soon.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
So, I finished Numbers today. There was more to it than I had previously thought, which was cool. Next up, Deuteronomy.
This weekend, I've been taking it easy. Last week was crazy busy, so I've been recovering, haha. Thankfully this week isn't anywhere near as hectic, so that's a plus. I have part two of my job interview tomorrow, and I'm really nervous, because I really want this job. Hopefully, everything goes well. I'll keep you posted on the details. Besides that, my week is pretty quiet. I have a midterm on Thursday, but that's about it. I am definitely going to rest a lot this week. I'll probably do another currently post later this week, since I will have time, and I have a new website that I'm obsessing over. Still really anticipating going home though, so that part will be the same, most likely. Any of you have anything you're looking forward to?
This weekend, I've been taking it easy. Last week was crazy busy, so I've been recovering, haha. Thankfully this week isn't anywhere near as hectic, so that's a plus. I have part two of my job interview tomorrow, and I'm really nervous, because I really want this job. Hopefully, everything goes well. I'll keep you posted on the details. Besides that, my week is pretty quiet. I have a midterm on Thursday, but that's about it. I am definitely going to rest a lot this week. I'll probably do another currently post later this week, since I will have time, and I have a new website that I'm obsessing over. Still really anticipating going home though, so that part will be the same, most likely. Any of you have anything you're looking forward to?
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Obsessing over: My book club. My youth group started one this month and I love it. We're in the middle of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer right now and I absolutely love it. It's an amazing read and it adds an entirely new dimension to the shared tragedy of 9/11.
Working on: A presentation for my internship. I think I've talked about my internship before, but pretty much it's a Shakespeare class for homeschool kids. We're reading Macbeth and then we'll be performing it later this spring. Each of the interns has to give a presentation related to the topic of Shakespeare or the play. Since the group has only done plays from the Elizabethan era of Shakespeare's writing, and this play was written while James I was king of England, I chose to present on his mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, and her relationship with Queen Elizabeth and the events that led to James becoming king of England. It's a really interesting topic, and Mary was a fascinating lady, so I'm excited to do this presentation.
Thinking about: The amount of work I need to get done this weekend. I have two tests, a quiz, a presentation and a job interview next week. I have a lot to prepare for and hopefully I get it all done this weekend.
Anticipating: Spring break. I'm planning a road trip with a couple of friends. We're going to drive to my home in California for a few days and do a lot of fun stuff, like Disneyland, the beach and a fancy dinner out. We're all really looking forward to it, and I can't wait to be home again, since it will be the last time for quite a while.
Listening to: My iTunes on shuffle. The song playing right now is Whispers in the Dark by Skillet, but the song I've been playing over and over again is called This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars. I was browsing through my tumblr dashboard and someone posted a video that used this song. I loved it and had to have it, so I bought it.
Eating: A toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat bread. Delicious.
Wishing: That my classes didn't start so early in the morning. By the time Friday rolls around, I'm exhausted.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Love: A to Z
Saw this post on Krista's blog, so I figured I'd get a Valentine's Day post in, even though I am single. :)
Admiring beautiful things on Pinterest
Chocolate with peanut butter
Disney movies
Ewan McGregor
Foreign languages
Having meaningful conversations with people I care about
Ink, as in tattoos. I think that, when they are well done, they are beautiful pieces of art.
Joking around with friends
Kitties-more specifically, my kitty who is back home waiting for me. I miss her a bunch.
Listening to good music
Make-up, I just wish I knew how it apply it better...
Newsboys-super awesome band
Opening my mailbox to find a letter from a friend
Pepperoni and mushroom pizza
Treating myself to something new every once in a while
Underwire. Random, I know, but I appreciate a good bra when I find one, haha.
Vanilla soft serve ice cream
Weekends spent immersed in a good book, or watching a good T.V. show
X-citing plans for the future
Yellowstone National Park-I would love to go back someday.
Zooey Deschanel-how adorable is she?
*Disney Love*
Chocolate with peanut butter
Disney movies
Ewan McGregor
Foreign languages
Having meaningful conversations with people I care about
Ink, as in tattoos. I think that, when they are well done, they are beautiful pieces of art.
Joking around with friends
Kitties-more specifically, my kitty who is back home waiting for me. I miss her a bunch.
Listening to good music
Make-up, I just wish I knew how it apply it better...
Newsboys-super awesome band
Opening my mailbox to find a letter from a friend
Pepperoni and mushroom pizza
Treating myself to something new every once in a while
Underwire. Random, I know, but I appreciate a good bra when I find one, haha.
Vanilla soft serve ice cream
Weekends spent immersed in a good book, or watching a good T.V. show
X-citing plans for the future
Yellowstone National Park-I would love to go back someday.
Zooey Deschanel-how adorable is she?
Friday, February 10, 2012
Leviticus is finished! Numbers and Deuteronomy are probably going to be twice as hard to get through, but I'll take it one day at a time. This is the farthest I've ever gotten in my many attempts to read the Bible cover to cover and I'm excited to finally be committed to finishing. God has shown me some amazing things so far and the sermons at my home church on the weekends are helping me stay on track as well as clearing up questions that arise from my reading. I can't believe it took me this long to do this, but better late than never, right?
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Super Bowl Sunday 2012
Today was my first Super Bowl away from my family. I'm not super into sports, but the Super Bowl is something that I watch with my dad and brother every year. I was kinda bummed to have to watch it without them this year (especially because they explain some of the finer points of the game to me :) but I had a great time today anyway. I went to the Mission, my youth group house (and home next semester!) to watch the game and hang out. I don't like either team, but I dislike the Patriots more than I dislike the Giants, so I was pleased with the result of the game, although the last 57 seconds were pretty stressful. I can get pretty excited about games that I happen to watch on T.V. When the game was over, I stuck around to watch The Voice. I've never seen it before, but I have to say that I actually enjoyed it. I think I'll be watching the whole season now. Tomorrow is the start of another week, but I've fallen into a routine and am enjoying this semester of school quite a bit. I'll have to do another post to highlight the internship I have this semester through the honors program. That is seriously the best part of my week. For now, I need to go to bed so I can wake up for an 8 am class tomorrow.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
So, I'm a couple of days behind on this post, but I finished the book of Exodus on January 31. And suddenly, it's February! Where did January go? Time is funny that way. It seems to drag on forever, yet I'm always surprised by the changing weeks and months. I've been doing my best to stay busy, but there's still no luck on the job search. I'll have to keep looking, I guess. I did join a book club though. I'm really excited. We're going to try and read one book a month. The book for February is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I'm very excited. My classes are going well and my homework load is pretty light, thankfully. There are a lot of really cool things going on this semester and I feel really at home here, which is a huge relief. I get homesick for California at times, but for the most part, I'm really happy with where I'm at in life. I just have to remember to not worry about the future so much. Sometimes I overwhelm myself because I stress about things that are years away. But, when I remember to just relax and enjoy what I'm doing right now, I find life much more enjoyable.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
So, as I mentioned previously, my New Year's resolution was to read the Bible in a year with my home church in California. I am proud to say that, so far, I have stayed caught up with the readings and I finished the first book of the Bible on schedule today! Genesis is full of crazy things, but the one thing that stuck with me through the entire book is the fact that God always keeps His promises. He will never let me down, and that is reassuring in a world where people often disappoint. God is there and He has a plan for my life better than anything I could ever imagine. I'm glad that I'm finally committing to reading the Bible in a year and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me on this journey. One book down, sixty-five to go!
P.S. It's not to late to start this journey! If you're interested in reading through the Bible in a year, the reading plan I am following can be found here. Happy reading!
P.S. It's not to late to start this journey! If you're interested in reading through the Bible in a year, the reading plan I am following can be found here. Happy reading!
Monday, January 9, 2012
In Summary
Wow. I meant to post this much sooner, but time has a way of getting away from me. I have one more week of winter break. I just called SouthWest to list my non-revenue stand-by travel for Sunday. I also just ordered my textbooks for the semester. I've been keeping pretty busy over the last few days. The weather is gorgeous, so I've been taking my mom's dogs out for runs every single day. It's going to be hard to go back to cold weather. So far, I've kept up with the one resolution I made this year. I decided to read my Bible cover to cover this year. I've never done it before and I'm really looking forward to it. The rest of my home church is doing it too, so each sermon on the weekend will be related to the reading from that week, which helps because I am now encouraged to stay caught up on the reading. My church also made journals available for purchase that has a page for every day with that day's readings posted. I'm only nine days in, but I'm really optimistic about staying caught up. I think I can do it. For the rest of the week, I have some housekeeping stuff to get done before I go back to school, but I'm also going to try and enjoy the remainder of my time off as much as possible.
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